Red White and Blue Chia Puddings

These Red White and Blue Chia Seed Puddings are so darn tasty, healthy, Paleo-friendly, a breeze to make, and a festive way to bring color to any Summer BBQ or get together! I have a confession, I've been enjoying chia seed puddings for YEARS …but I've never posted a recipe. Forgive me! 

If you like tapioca pudding, I think you'll like chia seed pudding. The consistency is similar! They come together so quickly, too. All you need to do is stir coconut milk with the chia seeds (I like to add a few teaspoons of vanilla extract for bonus flavor), pour it into your serving containers, and let it chill until it the seeds plump up by soaking in the luscious coconut milk.

Red White and Blue Chia Puddings

  • 2 cans (13.5 ounces) full-fat coconut milk
  • 1/2 cup black chia seeds
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1 pint fresh blueberries
  • 8 large strawberries, de-stemmed and sliced thin
  • 8 sprigs fresh mint

  1. In a large mixing bowl, whisk the coconut milk with the seeds and vanilla extract. Once incorporated, pour an even amount into 8 cups.
for full recipes and instructions please visit:

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